cross over the cell bars find a new maze make the maze from it's path find the cell bars cross over the bars find a maze make the maze from its path eat the food eat the path

La-Mulana 1&2: dares of moonwalking

a something about inspired homage and the evergreen pratfalls of sequels

I have a lot - and I mean a lot to say about these two games and I don't want to waste your time with the first paragraph of a wikipedia article, but we have to start from somewhere.

La-Mulana is a 2006 2D metroidvania for windows that takes mechanical inspiration from Maze of Galious - an MSX game where you control two little knights trying to rescue their child (don't ask it's not important) - and stylistic inspiration from what could only be described as the closest cousin metroidvanias have in film: Indiana Jones.

Kinda looks like this ^ ! Very faithful to the MSX aesthetic, very interesting little game.

Well, we're not going to talk too much about this one today because in 2011 it received a remake (as a downloadable title the nintendo wii shop, of all things):

Cleans up nice, eh?

Essentially: you play as Lemeza Kosugi, Archeologist, son of Shaun Kosugi, Archeologist; pop's gone missing in these ruins and you received an email from the village elder to come and check it out for yourself.